Trusted TEFL Accreditation from GATE

At GATE, we care about the quality of teaching. We also believe it should be affordable to all. Through our stringent and comprehensive accreditation process we ensure that only courses meeting all of our standards are allowed to display our logo on their website and certificates.

This is why, if a course is awarded GATE accreditation, you can be confident of its quality and a fair price.

Read more about us here:

GATE Accredited Courses Guarantee:

  • TEFL certification that is accepted by schools and countries worldwide.

  • TEFL certification that is affordable for all.

  • High-quality instruction from experienced, knowledgeable educators who have been trained in the latest pedagogical techniques.

  • The course content meets rigorous standards and covers all of the key topics necessary for the effective teaching of English as a foreign language.

  • You will receive comprehensive training in areas such as lesson planning, classroom management, and cultural awareness, as well as in-depth instruction in English grammar, pronunciation, and vocabulary.

  • A commitment to ethical and professional practices.

  • Ongoing support and resources for their students, including access to job placement services, and continued education opportunities.

  • By completing a Gate-accredited TEFL course, you will have the skills and knowledge necessary to succeed as a teacher of English as a foreign language, and you will be well-prepared to enter the job market and begin your career.

  • First-class customer support.

The Accreditation Process

Step 1: Application

To begin the accreditation process, TEFL providers must first submit an application to Gate Accreditation. The application includes information about the provider's organization, teaching program, and curriculum. Providers are also required to pay an application fee at this stage.

Step 3: Feedback

After the evaluation is complete, Gate Accreditation will provide detailed feedback to the provider. This feedback will include any areas where the provider needs to improve in order to meet accreditation standards. Providers will have the opportunity to address any issues and make necessary improvements before moving on to the next stage of the process.

Step 4: On-Site Visit

Depending on the provider's location and the level of accreditation they are seeking, an on-site visit may be required. During the visit, Gate Accreditation's team will conduct interviews with teachers and students, observe classes, and review teaching materials to ensure that the provider is meeting accreditation standards.

Step 6: Maintenance

Once a provider has been granted accreditation, they must maintain accreditation status by continuing to meet the standards set by Gate Accreditation. Providers are required to submit regular reports and updates to Gate Accreditation to demonstrate their continued compliance with accreditation standards.

Step 5: Decision

After the evaluation and on-site visit (if applicable) have been completed, we will make a decision on the provider's accreditation status. If the provider has met all accreditation standards, they will be granted accreditation status. If there are areas where the provider needs to improve, they will be given specific feedback and a timeline for making the necessary improvements.

Step 2: Evaluation

Once the application has been received and processed, Gate Accreditation's team of experts will evaluate the provider's teaching program and curriculum. This evaluation includes a review of the provider's teaching methods, teacher qualifications, and student outcomes.

Our Accreditation Standards 

  • Our standards are designed to ensure that TEFL providers meet high levels of quality in areas such as curriculum, teacher training, and student outcomes.

  • Accreditation is awarded only to providers who demonstrate that they meet or exceed Gate's standards in each of these areas.

  • Gate Accreditation's curriculum standards require that TEFL courses cover a wide range of topics, including language skills, cultural awareness, and classroom management.

  • Teacher training standards require that TEFL providers offer comprehensive training for educators, covering both pedagogical techniques and subject matter knowledge.

  • We require that TEFL providers demonstrate that their students achieve high levels of proficiency in the English language and are able to apply their knowledge in real-world situations.

  • Accreditation is an ongoing process, and TEFL providers must meet ongoing requirements to maintain their accredited status.

  • Gate Accreditation also requires TEFL providers to adhere to ethical and professional standards, including fair and transparent marketing practices and respectful treatment of students.

  • By adhering to Gate Accreditation's standards, TEFL providers can demonstrate their commitment to providing high-quality education and improve their reputation within the industry.

How to Contact Us 

Verify a TEFL/TESOL course's accreditation

Enquire about receiving accreditation for a TEFL/TESOL course

Ask any other questions

We understand you may have questions about accreditation, so we will always be available to assist you. If you want to:

Get in touch by clicking here: